Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Political Chaos

Each week it becomes more apparent that the United States is becoming a nation in chaos. It is adrift with a captain with little experience, minimal knowledge, and no inclination to fix what needs to be fixed. The latest example is handling of the looming tax increase after January 1 if the Bush era tax cuts aren’t restored. It will be a financial disaster for the country, but the Democrats in charge…even against the advice of many in their party…have taken an ideological, class warfare position, the consequences be damned. Obama’s tirade of a news conference on Tuesday afternoon shows that although he understands the problem, his political acumen in resolving the issue is non-existent. Who’d of thought?

But it just isn’t the tax thing. Our country’s foreign policy and relationships with the rest of the world is in shambles after the WikiLeaks revelations. Obama has been immobilized. He still can’t figure out how to vote present on this one. Julian Assange belongs in jail for espionage, but he and Eric Holder just bring themselves to do it.

Chaos is growing along the Mexican border as the drug cartels take control of the country. A fourteen year old boy has been arrested for beheading three or four people over the past year. Maybe it hasn’t crossed over to the United States yet, but it is only a matter of time. Obama needs to address the illegals question now…and he ideologically can’t bring himself to do it.

Rather than deal with the tax issue, or the WikiLeaks issue, or the illegal issue, the Democratic Congress is tra-la-la-ing its way through things like the Dream Act, which gives resident status to children of illegal immigrants who have gone to school here in the states for a certain period of time. It is concerned with Don’t Ask Don’t Tell. It is concerned with the Start Treaty...ideological issues all. But those things don’t do a thing for you and for me.

I am still hoping that Barack Obama can live up to his promise of being a uniter instead of divider; of being a post partisan President. Calling Republicans “hostage takers” in a press conference more geared to the deterioration within his own party is not a good start. My hope is fading. But this is just the beginning of the new political reality in Washington. We will see what happens.

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