Friday, March 26, 2010

Health Care and Violence; A little rebellion now and then...

President Obama, the post partisan president, has become the most divisive President in American History save for Abraham Lincoln. Here is a guy who ran for office saying he would bring America together. His soaring rhetoric tricked independents and moderate Democrats, looking for hope and change, into overlooking his extreme leftist background . What they got was a far left ideologue that used the Democratic majority in the House of Representatives and the Democratic super-majority in the Senate to ram through the most leftist, verging on socialist, agenda the country has ever seen.

He did it notwithstanding clear majority opposition to his policies as those independents and moderate Democrats finally realized that they had voted for a fraud. His obsessive compulsive focus on health care while the nation’s economy collapsed is beyond disbelief. His tone deafness to America’s call to moderate his positions, both in polls and the ballot box, is beyond comprehension. Instead of bringing us together, he wagged his finger at us. He or his proxies called us Nazis and racists and astro-turf. Even after his health care abomination passed, he still wanted to fight some more, daring those to come forward and change what he did.

While the polls show that there has been somewhat of a bounce in Obama’s approval ratings, that very tiny bounce is due to left wing Democrats who were upset he couldn’t get 100% of what they wanted. Inside the poll numbers, his approval ratings among independents continues to decline.

You can only flip the bird at the American public for so long. He and his Congress are at the limit. The wonder isn’t that there has been some violence. The wonder is that there hasn’t been more. And the Dems rushed to the microphone and cameras to play it for political gain…asking for money to oppose it. Never mind that shots were actually fired at a Republican Congressman’s office. That doesn’t count. He had it coming.

People of Obama’s ilk have used violence over the years as standard operating procedures. His Chicago buddies have blown up government buildings and incited people to riot in the streets. His leftist cohorts at Code Pink have thrown urine on churchgoers. Leftists on college campuses routinely use violence to silence those not deemed worthy of being heard (tr: those who oppose their views). The latest example was at the University of Ottawa where Ann Coulter was forced to cancel an appearance last week when the left threatened violence. Of course, it was her fault for “inciting” violence. Really? What am I missing?

What do Obama and his friends expect? The American public can only take so much of their continuous arrogance. They can only take so much of their “fundamental change” which turned out to be socialism rather than bi-partisanship.

I take that back. There has been bi-partisanship. It has been in moderate Democrats voting against some of the outlandish Obama legislation. We have bi-partisanship in opposition to debt which will reach 90% of GDP in the next few years, putting us into third world financial status and the threat of collapse of currency.

I oppose violence of any kind. But if Obama and crew continually disenfranchise 60% of the American public opposed to his whacko policies…there will be more. I fear it will get more serious than what we have seen. It is scary that many will sit back and silently agree. It’s the quiet ones that can spell trouble.

Mr. Obama, move to the center. As Thomas Jefferson said: "A little rebellion, now and then, is a good thing." There are Americans who would take that advice to heart.

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