Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas in Washington

It’s Christmas Day, and not a particularly conducive time for a rant. White Christmas is playing on television. It brings me back to simpler times. We knew what was right and wrong. We worked hard. Optimism abounded in America.

Now I am not so sure what is going on. The spectacle in Washington is appalling as a Democratic Congress races hell bent forward into finalizing health care reform legislation that was written on the fly, never read, and not understood. The attendant lies have been told so many times Harry Reid and crew either no longer deny them or actually has started to believe the lies themselves. Anyone who can follow a flow sheet knows what has been proposed can’t work, and it still leaves millions upon millions Americans uninsured…which was the purpose of the bill in the first place. Whether the Congress views this as political payback, or a power grab, or the finalization of a ideological dream, the American public is overwhelmingly opposed to “this” health care reform.

The stink of the horse trading that went on to get this bill is overpowering. Yes, give and take is part of the process, but the payoff to some of the states, especially Nebraska, may be downright unconstitutional. It affronts American concepts of fairness and decency. It reminds me of the Supreme Court decision on pornography…I can’t define it, but I know it when I see it. What went on with Nebraska and Florida is downright pornographic, and I believe the courts will overturn it as the remaining states line up to sue.

Even Obama turned tail and skipped out of Washington after cursory remarks related to the Senate passage of health care. He can read polls, too.

So now America can take a breather from the socialist check list of reform. Perhaps the Senators and Congressman can return to their districts and understand constituent anger as unemployment is unacceptably high and salaries remain low and falling while the falling value of real estate continues to destroy most families’ single biggest asset: their home.

Democracy is funny. The will of the people will ultimately prevail. I guess change we can believe consists of payoffs, off the charts spending, and partisanship in the extreme. Congress had its vote a few weeks ago, and the Senate on Christmas Eve. The voters will have their turn in November.

Meantime, enjoy Christmas in Washington.

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