Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Got Good News?

Believe it or not, I spend a lot of time thinking about what to write each week. Usually there are some obvious things happening that just beg for my expertise. But this winter is turning out to be my winter of discontent. There is so much happening so fast, I can’t keep up. And most of the news is bad. Couple that with the most dismal and cold winter we have had in years, I am looking to buy Prozac by the gross. Does anyone have any good news?????

Start with the banks. I own Citigroup stock, and it has gone down the tubes along with several billions of dollars of your taxpayer money. Gross Domestic Product is tanking. Unemployment is rising. Retail sales are non-existent. Ohio has run out of unemployment money.

Obama gets inaugurated next week. In this time of financial turmoil, his inauguration is setting new spending records. So much so, in fact, President Bush has had to declare a state of emergency so the Feds can help Washington pay for the festivities. In the meantime, home foreclosures are rising at unprecedented rates. Is that the best use for the money…perhaps a small swearing in ceremony at the White House followed by cake and punch? They could borrow my tea service.

Obama’s cabinet is an interesting bunch. The guy nominated for Secretary of the Treasury conveniently forgot to pay his taxes for 4 years. It was an oversight. The head of the EPA is, was, also head of a world-wide socialist group espousing a world government to force the United States to give up sovereignty and set limits on our economy….seriously. Governor Richardson withdrew his name from nomination for Secretary of Commerce for funny campaign financing. The nominee for Attorney General was selling pardons on behalf of Bill Clinton, as well as letting people out jail, just because. And Hillary Clinton…enough said. I guess this is change we can believe in.

Driving this winter has been interesting. For years they put this ice melting goo on the road that took several times through the car wash to get off of my car. This year we appear to be salt-challenged. There is no salt on the roads as we slip slide away.

Kent State Trumbull Campus has decided to give free tuition for anyone laid off from work. Great for those guys, but how about the poor schmucks who aren’t working but struggling to pay outrageous fees and the even more outrageous book costs while being student loaned to the hilt. Who decides who gets the freebies? I sure would like to be on the receiving side.

In the meantime, Wall Street types are ripping off charities and putting Palm Beach gentry out onto the street, totally broke. Then there is this guy who tried to fake his own death by jumping out of an airplane. He only ripped off a couple of million from some nice Indiana folks.

The Mideast is self destructing. Bin Laden is making new jihad tapes. They are burning pictures of Obama on the streets of Tehran, Iran.

GET THE BIG KNIFE!! I could use some serious sunshine, some serious jokes, some serious levity, and a three day bender. To quote that immortal movie Animal House...drink heavily. Unless, of course, you have some good news!!!!

PS: THERE WAS GOOD NEWS TODAY!!!! Only a miracle could allow that pilot to land that plane in the Hudson River. It was great to see some happy news!!!!

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