Friday, January 23, 2009

And It Has Been Less Than A Week!!

This past week has provided a virtual fountain of things to rant about. Just when I was ready to write about one thing, here came another. The fumbled oath of office portended the major Democratic Party gaffs that have flooded the television screen since the inauguration. So rather than just pick one, I thought I would provide you with a list of why it is great to be a Republican this week.

1) Gitmo: Liberal nirvana has been achieved and they are shaking with joy that the horrible Americans are going to give those poor terrorists some rights. Unfortunately for you and for me, these bad guys, including those who planned 9/11 some civil rights. Obama stopped the military tribunals for the enemy combatants, signed an order closing Gitmo, and is now making plans to move these poor excuses for human beings into the Federal prison system. It won’t take long to find a sympathetic federal judge who will grant these non-citizen killers the same rights as you and me, and soon they will be among us. The 9/11 families are outraged, and so am I. Of course, the rest of the world will now look kindly upon the United States. Of course, the families of whomever these bastards kill next won’t look so kindly on the Obama administration.

2) Treasury Secretary: Obama promised honesty and transparency. What we got is Timothy Geithner as nominee for Secretary of the Treasury and head of the IRS. In case you didn't know, he forgot to pay his taxes for four years, even after being reimbursed by the IMF for his social security and medicare taxes. He cheated both the IMF and the IRS. People go to jail for that. Instead, we are supposed to believe that a man who is so smart that only he can lead us out of the country’s financial malaise just got sloppy. This is a disgrace. Obama should be ashamed of himself.

3) Caroline Kennedy: Need I say more. The left wing of the Democratic is howling as another hypocrite bites the dust. People like the Kennedy’s are always so anxious to tell us what to do, and this dame has so many issues she is hiding she had to withdraw her name from consideration in the middle of the night. New York’s Governor Paterson has appointed a blue dog (conservative) Democrat to the seat…and the libs are not happy.

4) Energy: Obama has instructed the Department of the Interior to cease and desist any more leases for oil and gas exploration of either our coasts. It doesn't matter now. When the economy turns around, it will.

5) Phony Music: Any musician with any sense wondered how the inauguration quartet was able to play that “interesting” piece of music outside in such cold weather. They didn’t. It was a tape. They could have put them inside the Capitol Building…or built a shelter…but instead we got a liberal Millie Vinillie. I don’t care that they did it…it was cold!!!! But they should have said so outright. So much for transparency. Or is this change you can believe in?

6) Joe Biden: Did you watch Obama back off of Joe Biden when the new VP made the crack about Justice Roberts memory?? His wife isn’t much better. She dissed the Clinton’s by spilling the beans that Jumpin’ Joe was given a choice between Secretary of State and VP. We are lucky he chose VP. Hillary got the leftovers. I pray every night for Obama's safety and good health.

7) Press Discontent: Apparently information and access to President Obama is going to be curbed. At a press conference, Robert Gibbs, Obama’s Press Secretary, couldn’t answer a question as to how they would interrogate Osama bin Laden if he were to be captured now that Obama has made it clear that tea and crumpets must be served at any questionings. He also refused to disclose the names of “senior administration officials” who are making these decisions and/or advising the President. When visiting the press, Obama refused to answer any questions saying he just wanted to shake hands. So I guess we still can't ask him any questions.

8) Robert Reich: One of Obama's top economic advisers, he testified in front of Congress he wants to make sure the money from the proposed stimulus package doesn't go to "WHITE, MALE CONSTRUCTION WORKERS." How racist can you get? Did any of you white, male construction workers vote for Obama? There you are.

And he has only been President less than a week!!!!!

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