Friday, December 21, 2012

Coming for Your Guns

The government is coming to get your guns. In the words of the current administration, never let a good crisis go to waste. The Sandy Hook massacre is the mother lode of crises. Wayne La Pierre, President of the National Rifle Association, today gave a detailed position statement on behalf of his organization. In it, he listed the elements of the cultural crisis that faces our nation: Inadequate and declining mental health policies; violent video games; violent television, violent music; a culture that celebrates violence…and I will add my own personal comment to his list…if you take the Thou Shalt Not Kill out of the schools, where are the students supposed to learn it?

He also commented that none of the proposed gun controls would have stopped the massacre of those innocent children. A mentally deranged individual went to the gun store to buy a gun and was denied after a background check. Next he did what most nut cases would do, he stole a gun. Then he went to a completely undefended group of people and killed them to make whatever point he wanted to make.

He further commented that had there been an armed guard in the school guarding the main entrance, this never would have happened. Further, in my opinion, if the school principal was schooled in firearms and had one available to her, when she heard the gun blasting through the windows, she could have grabbed her gun and shot the son-of-a bitch. Further, again from me, why didn’t the school secretary have a panic button to the police department?

I find it appalling and hypocrisy at its worse when those who advocate gun control are the very people who are peddling violence to the children they feign to protect. Mr. LaPierre used as an example a video called Kindergarten Killers available to anyone on line. I point to programs like any of the CSI television series with graphic portrayals of murder and death. And let’s not even talk about the gangsta rap music which simply accepts gun violence as a way of life and glorifies it in the nth degree in its recordings.

Folks with serious mental disease are walking among us because they have “rights”. It is next to impossible to get someone committed for observation unless they have already done a violent act. The hoops are unending. In Newtown, the mother was going through the arduous process of getting her son to a place where he could get some help. He killed her, too.

The second amendment is there to protect us from an intrusive and invasive government. Look at it, folks, and what do you see? Governor Cuomo of New York said today that the government should take control of semi automatic weapons. He said “Confiscation could be an option. Mandatory sale to the state could be an option.”

If you want to know what that means, look at the picture at the top of the beginning of the article. That was Janet Reno sending Elian Gonzales back to slavery in Cuba. Your tax dollars at work!! That is when I joined the NRA even though I don’t own a gun.

Think hard, America. Freedom is slowly slipping away to those who know better than you and aren't afraid to tell you so.

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