Saturday, November 10, 2012

Where's the Celebration?

This past election was an election of hate. The Democratic campaign strategy was simple. Demonize Mitt Romney to the point that no matter how bad Obama was, Romney would be worse. It worked. Politics is hard ball and you either play the game or get out. In politics, it’s not really helpful to be a nice guy. They finish last. So we had a war on women. We had a war on blacks. We had a war on the environment. We had a war on just about everything by a rich country club type whose sole goal was to make the rich richer while throwing the rest of the country out the window. None of it was true. And all of the problems are still here. And the country has been riddled with messages of hate and class warfare for a year.

That probably explains why there hasn’t been much celebration in the country. There is going to be a lot of bad stuff happening over the next several years. The deficit is not going away. Entitlement solvency is non-existent. FEMA has actually topped its Katrina debacle closing offices because of the storm. Iran is shooting at our drones over international waters. Our ambassador was murdered in Libya. Health care is going to put the economy in reverse. All of the platitudes and feel good rhetoric don’t make the problems go away as the country will continue to splash about rudderless in Obama’s ideological sea of academic clap trap.

Is there going to be thunder coming down from the heavens smitng America? Probably not. It will be a slow process over a period of years as the economy steadily goes south. More likely than not there will be some resolution of the fiscal cliff that is permeating the media right now. Taxes will go up now. Entitlement cuts will come later if at all. Addiction to spending is hard to conquer.

But 1/5 now approaching1/4 of the population is reaching complete dependency on government assistance. The country has reached the tipping point. Those who are working under the yoke of government regulation are becoming smaller in number. There will come a time when those taking will crush those that are working, and that will be a bad day.  The average value of government assistance per household receiving it, excluding social security, is $60,000.00.  How many of you working are making that much money?

And it’s not the fault of those who find themselves is dire circumstances. Most people by nature are not slackers. It’s government policy that has forced many of those from the work roles to the welfare roles. And the health care bill is going to multiply that even more. Full time employment for folks with college educations will be hard to come by, and not available at all to those with just high school diplomas…and they will all be paying their own health insurance cost out of their own pocket under the watchful eye of the IRS.

You see, Obamacare may be rooted in the best of intentions. But the road to hell is paved with good intentions. The end result is a shift of the cost of health care from business to the individual. Can a family of four making $60,000.00/year afford a $4,000.00 a year hit in out of pocket health insurance cost?

The end result is that these folks will ultimately be exempt from having to comply with the mandate, leaving 45 million Americans still uninsured and a big mess in our health care system with fewer and fewer working Americans picking up the cost. It is a recipe for disaster.  But I can tell you who won't have to worry about it, government employees.

The rich will always have their ways of skirting the system. It’s the shrinking middle class that will ultimately pay the bill. And that’s too bad. And that’s why there is no sense of celebration in the country after this past election.

1 comment:

lgleagle84 said...

I'd offer you a "Bravo" for nailing the analytics, but the reality is nothing to cheer about!! I share your depression and resignation that it will get much worse before we see the sunlight again. See you soon at the club. DK