Thursday, June 28, 2012

Health Care Debacle

This is a sad day for America and America's freedoms.  The Affordable Health Care Act is a bill that was passed against the will of the American people.  It is still against the will of the American with 67% of the population believing the individual mandate is unconstitutional.  It was passed with representations by Obama and his administrative thugs that it was NOT A TAX.  The word tax is not mentioned anywhere in the legislation, and was never mentioned at any time until it got into the courts.  Yet that is the basis upon which Justice Roberts cast the swing vote affirming this monstrosity.
All of the representations made by Obama have been lies.  He said your insurance rates would go down...not up.  A like.  He said you can keep your insurance if you have it and like.  A lie.  He said there are no death panels.  A like.  This bill represents the essence of Barack Obama, and ideologue who will lie and cheat and bully to get what he wants, and we are left to pay the price.

Those in Obama's scope of "friends" will receive exemptions from Obamacare.  This will be crony capitalism on steroids.  He will maintain his enemies list, and not be afraid to use it against those who defy an Imperial Presidency never before seen in this country. As for the rest of us, get ready for the do-gooders.  Government will now intrude in every aspect of your life with health care as the excuse.  The American public has NO IDEA what will be coming down the pike.  If you want a sample, look at what Mayor Bloomberg has done in New York City.  Latest "health" related edict is the elimination of cranberry juice is schools because it has too much sugar.

Unless this bill is overturned, you will be forced into mandatory weigh ins, taxes on "unacceptable" foods; forced into purchasing goods that are determined to be socially acceptable as Obama and his intrusive government continue to the force a path to an oppressive governmental dictatorship in ways beyond you can imagine. 

Now it is time to stand up and say enough.  This election will determine the future of the United States in ways not seen since the Civil War.  If Obama and his regime are allowed to stand along with this massive piece of beaurocratic pastiche, then we are not only on our way to European style socialism, we are already there.

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