Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Fighting Wars: In It to Win It!!!!!

Sometimes you just can't make this stuff up. What is Obama doing now? While tripping the light fantastic in Brazil, he all of a sudden decides to move against Libya while spewing excuse after excuse for what he was doing, and ready to cede American leadership to anyone else but us. His message is all over the place, with no stated goals other than to get out quickly???? It’s the policy of the country that Qaddafi must go…but that is not the mission of the air attacks…and it will be turned over to NATO, no…France, no….a coalition based in Italy, no… the Brits. What is this guy doing? He even refuses to call it a war. 'Tis a Kinetic Military Action.

In all seriousness, he is running a war in Afghanistan that he considers a “just” war with no end game. He is still bogged down in Iraq with no end game even though the press won't talk about it. And now all of a sudden he has gotten religion and has attacked Libya with no stated goals and no plan as to who is actually in charge of the operation, all the while telling the world we really don’t want to be there to support of Libyan “rebels” we know nothing about. Therein lays the danger of having an ideological academic in the White House. Only a law school professor could come up with something like this.

I don’t necessarily fault what he is doing. Unfortunately, he should have done it three weeks ago when it probably could have done some good. But the complete chaos of the operation is indefensible.

War is a serious thing. People die. Our boys die. People from the opposing side die. Civilians die. People suffer. Their property is destroyed. What I am seeing in Libya is the culmination of bad war policy started with Harry Truman in Korea, expanded by Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon in Vietnam, carried on by Bush I in the first Iraq war when he refused to move into Iraq after chasing Saddam out of Kuwait, and repeated by Bush II and Obama in what is tantamount to a war of attrition in Afghanistan. Meanwhile, tin dictators like Qaddafi in Libya and Kim Jung Il in North Korea and the ayatollahs in Iran continue to wreck havoc on the world with impunity.

Here’s Mark’s rule. Get in it to win it, or don't get in it. If you are going to fight a war, go fight it to win it with no limits. I saw Qaddafi standing in his compound on a balcony addressing the nation on television. How about sending one of those smart cruise missiles in to wipe him out once and for all? He is dangerous. He will continue to do harm to people even if he is forced to leave the country. He has already killed thousands of people, and blew a plane up over Scotland. How many people have to die while he lives in plain sight?

Truman stopped Patton from marching to Moscow. We got the cold war and an expensive arms race and several hot wars to accompany the cold war killing at least 60,000 Americans. Truman fired MacArthur…we got North Korea and China killing millions of its own people. Johnson and Nixon fought a defensive war to benefit a corrupt South Vietnamese government. We got 40,000 dead American soldiers, a communist Laos, and Pol Pot in Thailand killing tens of thousands of people in his re-education camps. Jimmy Carter pussy footed with Iran…we got the rise of Islamic fundamentalism and just look at what happened from 9/11 to what is going on today. How many people have to die because of American half hearted wars. Go in and win, or don’t go in at all.

Obama is playing a dangerous game with ramifications that will affect not only the immediate future in the Mideast, but also the future of America’s leadership role in the world. After apologizing for all of America’s misdeeds, it’s amusing to watch Obama attempt to justify these actions into his ideological framework….except people are dying. I hope he knows what he is doing.

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