Friday, October 8, 2010

No Sugar Tonight

As election time approaches, there are lots of things to rant about!! Here are two more:

1) No Sugar Tonight: Mayor Michael (I know what’s good for you) Bloomberg once again is trying to stick his nose into your smoking and eating habits. After imposing trans-fat requirements on New York Restaurants; attempting to ban smoking in all public spaces; trying to set limits to salt used in restaurant cooking and banning salt shakers from restaurant tables; requiring restaurants to post calorie information next to the menu items….he now wants to ban food stamp recipients from using food stamps to buy “sugary drinks,” soda to New Yorkers; pop to you and me! It would be funny if it weren’t so sad. Do-gooders have no end to making you comply to what their idea of what is good for you. Well, you might say, they are taking government money, so they should expect restrictions based on government rules. Here’s the rub!! If they can do it here, just wait until you see what they will try to do when you are on government health care…or just breathing. This is dangerous stuff, folks. Freedom loss creep alert. Mr. Bloomberg…from me to you…why don’t you mind your own “frickin” business!!!!

2) No Justice Tonight: Who is Ahmed Kahlfan Ghailani? He is the dude who killed 240 people (including numerous Americans) and injured an additional 3000 in the East Africa Embassy bombings several years ago. He was being held in that hell hole at Gitmo. In an effort to prove how wonderful American civilian courts can handle Gitmo prisoner trials, the Justice Department decided to use this trial as a model. Eric Holder and his cronies had it shoved right up their corpus delecti by the judge in the case. Federal Judge Lewis Kaplan barred the testimony of the government’s main witness stating that the name of the main witness was obtained in a secret prison where there have been allegations of the use of coercive methods for information. In other words, the government’s case is screwed. Eric Holder’s response: “We are talking about one ruling, in one case by one judge.” I guess we’ll go with that. So much for Obama’s academic idealism! They should have taken these guys and hanged them in the public square.

With the election three weeks away, I can’t wait to see what I will rant about next week!!!

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