Friday, February 26, 2010

A Megalomaniac in the White House

Main Entry: meg•a•lo•ma•nia
Pronunciation: \ˌme-gə-lō-ˈmā-nē-ə, -nyə\
Function: noun
Etymology: New Latin
Date: 1887
1 : a mania for great or grandiose performance
2 : a delusional mental disorder that is marked by feelings of personal omnipotence and grandeur

— meg•a•lo•ma•ni•ac \-ˈmā-nē-ˌak\ adjective or noun
— meg•a•lo•ma•ni•a•cal \-mə-ˈnī-ə-kəl\ also meg•a•lo•man•ic \-ˈma-nik\ adjective
— meg•a•lo•ma•ni•a•cal•ly \-mə-ˈnī-ə-k(ə-)lē\ adverb

I will be the first to say it. Folks, we have a problem in the White House. And I don’t mean this in a joking manner. The President of the United States, while the economy is falling down around us, is once again focusing on health care. He is obsessed. He is tone deaf to the will of the people. He is arrogant. He is ideological. And I truly believe there is a mental flaw that is dangerous to the country and to him personally. He is Jimmy Carter and Richard Nixon all wrapped up into one, with an inflated view of himself and his own self importance to a danger point not seen since Watergate. The guy is nuts, and there are serious problems to our Constitutional system ahead.

Whether Mr. Obama and his cohorts want to admit it or not, the American public has turned away from Obama’s omnipotence. They have reviewed his health care proposals, and have overwhelmingly rejected them with only 27% of Americans now believing the Democratic plan should pass. The public has rejected the plan, and the corrupt and slimy process by which it was achieved.

Not only has the public rejected it, it has been rejected with a passion not seen in this country since the Vietnam War. Of more concern, is the transference of this anger to the government as a whole. A CNN poll released today shows that 56% of all Americans now think the rapidly expanding government monster is an IMMEDIATE threat to our freedoms. Among Republicans, 70% agree the government is an immediate threat, and the figure is 63% among independents, the group that put Obama into power.

Heretofore, although his policies are being overwhelmingly rejected by the American public, he held a strong degree of personal popularity. In my humble opinion, the arrogance and contempt for American concerns exhibited at the so called Health Care Summit will destroy even that. Yes, Mr. President, elections do matter, especially the upcoming one in November, 2010.

His comments at the end of the summit saying vote with him, or he will push it through by whatever means necessary won’t play well with an opposing public he is supposed to represent. If he tries his threatened parliamentary maneuvers, he will in effect give the American public the finger, and then we have a problem. His contempt for the American public is stunning, but we shouldn’t be surprised. After all, he is among the elite. The rest of us are just clinging to our guns and religion.

How the anger of the American will play out is a major concern. He is not king. He is an elected official who ran on a centrist platform. He promised a new cooperative Washington based on consensus and compromise. What we got instead was a complete abuse of power by a bully in the White House and partisans in Congress. He couldn’t even get his own party to agree on his outrageous plan, and is now trying to blame Republicans who were literally locked out of negotiations run by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid behind closed doors. These folks passed the bill in the dark of night on Christmas Eve they were so afraid of public reaction. It doesn’t get more scummy than that.

We have seen Mr. Obama’s character flaw before. I strongly suggest he review Richard Nixon’s tenure in the White House. I also strongly suggest that his aids find this guy a psychiatrist to take care of his megalomaniac, narcissistic tendencies before it’s too late. If he wants to destroy himself, and his scummy friends in Congress, that is up to him. I fear for the country.

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