Thursday, May 28, 2009

So much to write about! So little space!

ITEM 1. Oil Prices and Currency: In case you didn’t notice, gasoline prices have been inching upward as oil prices approach $70.00/barrel. No, folks, it’s not the greedy speculators or the greedy oil companies, or even greedy OPEC. It is the hidden tax in Obama’s massive spending spree. Anyone who has studied Economics 101 knows that the amount of debt we are currently incurring is unsustainable. The result will be inflation and its companion, a devalued dollar. This is what the Chinese are worried about. As the dollar devalues, the price of imported goods goes up. Oil is an imported good. Back in the oil spike of last summer, it took $1.57 to buy 1 Euro. The price of oil skyrocketed. When the economy turned south last fall, the dollar strengthened as Europe’s economy was worse than ours. It took $1.27 to buy 1 Euro. Then Obama started borrowing money. Now the Euro didn’t look so bad to investors. As of yesterday, it took $1.38 to buy 1 Euro, and the price of oil is starting to go back up, economy be damned. THAT’S WHY THINGS ARE GOING TO GET EXPENSIVE.

ITEM 2. Empathy: Obama’s test for the Supreme Court is empathy. He wants the Justice to have empathy for those in front of the court. Who’s empathy? The empathy for one party over another in a court means injustice…one man’s empathy is another man’s pain. What Obama wants is bias for the his liberal causes. I can assure you, there will be no empathy for the small businessman who is attempting to generate jobs. There will be no empathy for Christians. There will be no empathy for white males. There will be no empathy for families. There will be empathy only for those who Obama deems worthy. Take my word for it, that won’t be middle aged white people.

ITEM 3. Arbitron: This is the rating service for radio stations, like the Neilson ratings is for television. It used to be done by people filling in a daily diary as to what they listened to. You would send it in at the end of the week and Arbitron would you send you $25.00, more if you were a minority. The problem was people got lazy. Rather than doing it as they listened to the radio, or at the end of the day, the attempted to fill in the diary from memory at the end of the week just before sending it in to the company. To get around that problem, Arbitron developed a new system involving wearing something akin to a cell phone on around your waist. It listens to what you listen to, and registers it automatically. At the end of the week, the device is sent to the company. To its surprise, Arbitron discovered that minority and urban radio stations were listened to much less than the written diaries indicated, and conservative talk radio was listened to much more. The result, several states and the Federal government are now investigating Arbitron for racial discrimination attempting to show the sample used by Arbitron was slanted against minorities. Hey, when these folks don't like the message, they try to kill the messenger.

Had enough for today? Me, too. Go and have a Martini!

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