Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I came to the conclusion when I was in high school that the threat to our freedom would come from the intolerant left rather than the right. Left wingers believe that they have a moral superiority to the rest of us, who are incapable of thinking for ourselves. My fears have been reinforced this week with the issuance of a Homeland Security Advisory warning about the radicalization of the political right…translate: me.

The scariest thing I read was reported in the Washington Times: “A footnote attached to the report by the Homeland Security Office of Intelligence and Analysis defines ‘rightwing extremism in the United States’ as including not just racist or hate groups, but also groups that reject federal authority in favor of state or local authority.” It goes on to say that military personnel returning from the mid-east are prone to “recruitment” and “radicalization.”

While I am sure there is some concern about white supremacist groups ala Timothy McVeigh who blew up the Federal Building in Oklahoma City year sago, I don’t think that this is what this edict is. In my opinion, this is a blatant effort to marginalize and stifle any dissent to the current administration’s domestic and economic policies.

I don’t know about you, but I have seen very little violent, right wing radical political activity. In fact, most of the violence over the past few years has been generated by the radical left. Code Pink comes to mind. The resurgence of the Black Panthers is another. How about gays attacking Catholic churches in San Francisco? And look at what happens at any economic summit meeting no matter where in the world. There is bloodshed in the streets.

What is the government afraid of? This is Richard Nixon on steroids. Even this past week, the thugery of left wing whackos manifested itself at the University of North Carolina. Former Congressman Tom Tancredo (R-Or) was invited to speak about his strong stance against illegal immigrants coming into the United States. ABC News reported what happened:

“Protesters who weren't allowed into the room where the speech was being given gathered outside the door and chanted, "There's no debate, no space for hate. In video from Tuesday night's incident, things clearly grow more tense with campus police. There is pushing and shoving on both sides... Other video shows what was happening inside the classroom with Tancredo. The former congressman once ran for president on a platform firmly against illegal immigration. He was invited to UNC to deliver a speech opposing in-state tuition benefits to illegal immigrants. Protesters interrupted his speech, stretching out a banner in front of him that read, "No one is illegal." Tancredo grabbed the banner and confronted one of the people holding it.Then there was the sound of glass shattering. A window was broken by more opponents outside. As the situation escalated, Tancredo left.”

Once again, violence from the left usurped the principle of free speech. Once again, the radical left showed its complete willingness to use violence to silence those it opposes. Secretary Napolitano reiterated her pronouncement on right wing violence again today, after protests from Veteran Groups about the reports comments on returning war heroes. (She issued a semi-apology on Fox News Thursday morning).

If Homeland Security wants to be concerned about violence, why doesn’t it investigate radical Muslim recruiting in America’s prisons? Why doesn’t it investigate the drug lords and terrorists that may be entering our country across the Mexican border? Why doesn’t it investigate the left wing organizations which defile churches or storm our international financial meetings? Why doesn’t it investigate Muslim madrassas teaching jihad here in the United States?

This is political intimidation at its worse, issued on the eve of the Tea Parties protesting current government financial policies. But what else would one expect from Janet Napolitano? So at least I am not disappointed.

Picture Courtesty Flickr Creative Commons:Dom Dada; Some Rights Reserved

1 comment:

liberal_with_a_working_brain said...

Funny, I came to the conclusion when I was in High School that both you and Rush Limbaugh (the best poster-boy the right wing has, how pathetic is that?) were making careers of blowing smoke out of your asses and calling it perfume. For example, you claim to be a supporter of free speech yet you've removed the opportunity for anonymous comments here, including the comment I left less than 24 hours ago. You accuse the left wing of promoting such policies as censorship and political intimidation with the petulance of a high-school-aged sore loser. OK, whatever...wasn't it GWB who said if we weren't with him we were terrorists? How about the Contract Against America? The Homeland Security Commission? Invading Iraq first and dodging questions later? How many Americans have died in that act of violence compared to the left-wing protests? Amazing how quickly you forget history as you call kettles black. Go ahead, remove this response too, it's your blog, misguided as it may be. The violence of the right wing is committed by abusing power within the political system to invade other countries, deny abortions, stifle health care and stem cell research, mock opposing opinions and destroy the middle class. Meanwhile, the fed-up left wing is taking their frustration of years of government-enforced repression out to the people, so which is the bigger sin? I'd be ashamed to admit that my views haven't matured and evolved since my high school days but if stubborness in the face of contrary facts is the ultimate goal of good right-wingers then you're a winner.