Thursday, July 22, 2010

How's Post Racial America Working Out for Ya?

Obama and the press have learned a hard lesson. They played the race card, and lost. For the past 1 ½ years, the left wing press, the progressive Democrats and Obama himself have accused everyone and everything that has opposed Obama’s political agenda a racist. Fox News is racist. The Tea Party is racist. Your Aunt Tilly is racist. Never mind that the only racism that I have seen has come from the people screaming race the loudest. Thugs can intimidate voters. Black Panthers can talk about killing white babies. Illegal drug lords can sneak across the border and kill policemen. But it is the Tea Party that is racist.

Now it has bitten Obama on the ass. And I hope that it hurts. After a week of racial vitriol from the NAACP, Andrew Breitbart posted an edited version of a canned speech given by one Shirley Sherrod, an underling employee of the Department of Agriculture. In her speech, she tells of her redemption in attempting to deal with her own prejudices 24 years ago when she was called on to help a white farmer save his farm in Georgia. She goes on to say that she had difficulty in dealing with her personal feelings of race, but concluded through the process that it is not a white/ black issue, but a have/have not issue.

The White House found out that Fox News had this piece of video tape without really knowing the content of the tape. One of the mucky mucks then decided they better get Ms. Sherrod’s resignation prior to this tape being aired on television, and forced her to email in her resignation while she was driving her car from Georgia to Washington. They actually made her pull over to the side of the road to email her resignation. We are getting conflicting stories as to who forced whom to what, and who knew what when. One thing is clear. The edited version of the tape eventually shown on Fox News did not tell the whole story, and portrayed her as being a flaming racist. The administration tried to say it was the tape played on Fox News that made them fire Ms. Sherrod…but in reality, the poor woman was fired prior to anything being aired on television. The joke was on them.

Add to the mix the racially charged atmosphere created by an NAACP trying to recapture its glory days; then add a report about something called “Journolist”, you have a media feeding frenzy.

What was Journolist? This was a group of 400 mainstream media types and journalism professors who conspired to portray any conservative as racist during the 2008 election. What is scary is that the professors were from the most elite of the elite schools, and many of the journalists were mainstream reporters for the big three networks as well as smaller networks like Bloomberg television.

The discovered emails show a deliberate attempt to portray those who opposed Obama as racist.They also display a hatred of conservatives beyond any rational basis, including comments that people like Rush Limbaugh should die horrific deaths while others watch in glee. Some of this stuff is almost sickening…and scary.

I don’t think America understands the hatred that comes from the left. Racism is a cancer in our society that should be cured, not exploited. Obama was supposed to be the post racial President and help heal the wounds. Looking at the Black Panther wanting to kill white babies; a group of media types purposely destroying individuals by calling them racist; and President who got it wrong a year ago with his Harvard professor thing and now with Ms. Sherrod…how’s that post racial thing working out for ya?

Friday, July 16, 2010

Uncle Sam Wants to Know: How Much Do You Weigh?

Folks…it is getting scary out there. I told you this was coming, and here it is. Buried in the mass of stimulus legislation is a new regulation requiring every American have a BMI (Body Mass Index) rating by 2014. This number must be entered into a national data base, and be available on an electronic “national exchange” along with your height and weight.

The government spin on this states that BMI is the most important indicator of health issues, and that all the health care professionals taking care of you should know what it is. Your health care providers are required to make “meaningful use” of the Electronic Health Records (HERs) or face substantial fines and/or penalties.

On the surface, nothing is wrong with that. We all want to stay healthy. But you're dealing with the government here, and that type of information floating around is dangerous. Since the government is now taking an active role in health care with all sorts of insurance regs, exchanges, policy boards (re: Death Panels) determining how much treatment you can get at what age…it seems only fair that the government be able to dictate not only how much you should weigh, but also what you BMI should be. Afterall, since the taxpayer must foot the bill, it is in the public interest to make sure you are fit as a fiddle, or be denied coverage or taxed for the extra weight. Seems far fetched? It's already happening in Britain! What about weekly weigh ins? Now there's the ticket.

And with Michelle Obama going around screaming about obesity…child obesity…look for the health police to monitor what is in your refrigerator and what you serve at dinner. Listen up, folks, there is no end to how much good these people want to do.

Like I preach every week, this “good” generally goes counter to normal human behavior, and has to be “enforced”, or as they would say – “encouraged.” With do-gooder agencies going after McDonalds and Kellogg’s and other food businesses, they will see a source of infinite revenue and infinite regulations…all because they know what is good for you.

And all of that information will be swirling around the internet. Freedom loss creep is alive and well under Barack Obama, and his band of merry, progressive do-gooders. Watch out. It’s your freedom. PS: The picture at the top of the page is Surgeon General Regina Benjamin. Looks like she needs a little BMI work herself.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Obama's Hope and Change War on America

President Obama has implemented some interesting policy initiatives over the past several weeks. Is this the hope and change you voted for?

1) The administrator of NASA, soon to be supervising a space program with no space program once the Shuttle program ends this year, now says he has been advised that the number one priority of NASA is outreach to Muslim nations to make them feel good about their contribution to science and math. On the other hand, maybe the Muslim nations can get us back into space. Iran has a pretty active missile program.

2) The lead lawyer in the dismissed Philadelphia Black Panther voter intimidation case…dismissed after the government won it…claimed rampant racism against whites in the Justice Department. The orders to ignore black on white racism came are not only understood, but articulated in a public way by the Justice Department higher ups. Of course, three big black brothers with billy clubs standing in front of a polling place telling white people they will just have to get used to a black man in the White House...cracker...doesn’t sound like racism to me. Maybe Obama can have another beer summit like the one he did for the abusive Harvard professor.

3) While illegals are crossing the borders in droves making Phoenix the second largest kidnapping center on North America right behind Mexico City, the Obama administration decides to sue Arizona for passing a law that mirrors Federal law relating to identification when an individual stopped while committing another crime. I have to produce ID if I am caught speeding, or doing anything else for that matter. Why should illegals be exempt? After all, maybe they just scaled the fence and wall to celebrate Cinqo de Mayo on this side of the border. Must be all of the Taco Bells over here!

It would be funny if it weren’t so sad. While unemployment remains high; while terrorists are trying to blow up plains with crotch bombs; while the Russians have sleeper spies are walking among us; while the oil well keeps gushing into the Gulf of Mexico; while Iran is building nuclear bombs...Barack Obama is going golfing; taking vacations; and making a four day campaign swing to Nevada to raise money for Harry Reid. He does that while he wakes up in the morning and goes to bed night focusing on unemployment and the BP oil spill.

Like I said, is the hope and change you voted for?